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Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:15 am
by akirk ... -hike.html

A report suggesting that black box providers may start to analyse weather and your premium could increase if you drive in bad weather as the risk is higher...

seems a bit simplistic - if they wanted to be clever, perhaps the more high risk driving you do without issue the more your premium should decrease - so if they detect you driving in snow / on ice / in heavy rain, but the telemetry suggests no degredation of your driving that should indicate a better driver, so the risk should be lower and the premium drop - however I suspect there is little incentive to find ways of lowering the premium!


Re: Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:08 pm
by Strangely Brown
Translation: Insurance companies in bid to grab more money shocker!

Re: Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:26 pm
by akirk
Strangely Brown wrote:Translation: Insurance companies in bid to grab more money shocker!

you cycnical person :D


Re: Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:29 pm
by sussex2
Oh dear there's a puff of wind; better not drive my advanced 21st century all singing and dancing car?

Re: Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:18 pm
by Revian
Not nanny state enough? Rain, wind, etc... Black box changes the performance of the car or shuts it down?

Re: Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:40 pm
by akirk
Revian wrote:Not nanny state enough? Rain, wind, etc... Black box changes the performance of the car or shuts it down?

certainly might turn on the traction control if you have been allowed to turn it off, might turn off sport mode / limit acceleration rate / etc.

invest in classic cars - they will be the way forwards :)


Re: Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:17 pm
by Revian
Invest in classic cars... Yup... By not changing the current non-classic and waiting?

Re: Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:29 pm
by WhoseGeneration
akirk wrote:
invest in classic cars - they will be the way forwards :)


They'll be banned apart from events on closed venues and will have to be trailered there.
You know it makes sense, for the good of all.

Re: Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:32 pm
by akirk
Ahh, but in my master plan as the government will rely on all cars telling them where they are and what is happening - the classic car will be able to zoom around and they won't know as it won't tell them :) there will be no police cars or speed cameras as all the autonmous cars won't allow you to break the law... and as the autonomous cars will all stop when I aim at them in case there is an accident I will have lots and lots of fun!


Re: Bad weather driving = higher insurance with a black box...

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:37 am
by CautiousD
akirk wrote:Ahh, but in my master plan as the government will rely on all cars telling them where they are and what is happening - the classic car will be able to zoom around and they won't know as it won't tell them :) there will be no police cars or speed cameras as all the autonmous cars won't allow you to break the law... and as the autonomous cars will all stop when I aim at them in case there is an accident I will have lots and lots of fun!


The govt will also have you install a tracker to your chrome-bumpered B road to glory racer. They could always use the GPS facility of your personal tracker.....sorry, 'smart phone'. 8-)

I personally can't wait until doors swish open at the wave of a hand or whenever I say "make it so" and if the powers that be want to know why I'm driving an old banger around pheasant infested lanes, at such speeds, all they need to do is ask and brace themselves for my answer, which would undoubtedly fit into the 'other' answer box. . :lol: