Being overtaken while turning.

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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby fungus » Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:14 pm

I'm with the others on this. Take a wide position early, before you signal left, and dominate that space. And don't Iet folowing drivers hastle you into entering the turn too quickly.

I have a similar situation where I live, all be it in a resedential road. Although not a turn into a single track road, it might as well be due to the number of parked cars on the right which effectively makes it a single track road. This is a LH turn with limited vision into the junction. Just before turning in you can often see the rear of a Vauxhall Corsa parked on the RH side. This should alert a driver to the fact that any oncoming drivers, as yet unseen, will be on their side of the road. But to most of the Muppets around here it does no such thing. Because of the poor visibility, it is necessary to slow to a crawl, a lot slower than the 10mph you suggested Insanity. Folowing drivers often get impatient by this slowing because there is usually no oportunity for them to overtake because of parked vehicles in the main road, but if you don't, you risk a head on, or a shunt up the rear from the folowing driver who is usually too close. The situation might also be exacerbated by the short distance between this turn, and the turn off the main road through the village.


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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby fungus » Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:24 pm

Having just seen the street view of the junction, I don't think I would be slowing too late for that turn. There are also sign posts indicating where the junction is, if folowing drivers are paying attention. And if they are, they shoud see that there is no visibility into that junction, and your wide approach position should also indicate this.


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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby dvenman » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:13 am

To paraphrase what Mr C-W says, you can't legislate or plan for the stupidity of others. If you've given plenty of warning, then it's up to the follower and exiter to make sure for themselves it's safe to overtake or exit, and all you can do is avoid being caught up in their collision.

Cynical perhaps, but their insurance companies won't want to speak to you in any other capacity than a witness to a knock-for-knock.

[Edited to add]

It's worth noting that the initial information sign for the junction on the left has a yellow background, not just for conspicuity but also to alert more aware drivers that it's a place to take more attention, for one reason or another.

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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby StressedDave » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:22 am

dvenman wrote:To paraphrase what Mr C-W says, you can't legislate or plan for the stupidity of others. If you've given plenty of warning, then it's up to the follower and exiter to make sure for themselves it's safe to overtake or exit, and all you can do is avoid being caught up in their collision.

Wanna bet? Jedi mind control of others is relatively easy... where you position the car, when you do it and how you control the deceleration purpose have a huge effect on the outcome. If you make it such that anyone behind wouldn't even think about overtaking by burying them sufficiently in your back end that they can't see the road ahead then you have control over the situation.
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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby dvenman » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:40 am

Well, yes - but I think I expressed myself either too figuratively or too literally and I did say "if you've given plenty of warning" and sort of meant in the ways you describe. As drivers we can only go so far. The f**kwittery of others is always in endless supply, and if you put yourself in a position where you're a witness to rather than an active participant in a collision it's so much easier in the long run.

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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby Astraist » Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:19 am

dvenman wrote:As drivers we can only go so far. The f**kwittery of others is always in endless supply

Oh, yes. Which is why I wouldn't assert myself using bold positioning unless I can do it quite early, so as to give the other driver the "signal" (essentially not unlike traditional signals) in good time for them to react, and so that if they prove to be the more assertive of the two (which here is not uncommon) I have the option of backing down safely.

The fact that it is appropriate to assume anyone else on the road to be an idiot, shouldn't generally stop us from giving signals, be it by the blinkers, brake lights or indeed the positioning of the car. We just have not to rely on the message getting across and having a safe way out.

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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby ancient » Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:35 am

TheInsanity1234 wrote:I've found that leaving braking very late does help, as the person behind ends up far too close to be able to move out to overtake, but the trouble is, if I'm about to turn into the junction, and a car appears coming the other way, the only realistic choice is to stop and let them exit the junction before I can enter, and if the car behind is far too close, there's no room for them to stop.

"Plan to stop, look to go" as is said of other circumstances: It seems it would apply here too, so with the same message as above do so with the idea that you are (unless the turning is visibly clear when you reach the turning point) going to stop. Brake with that in mind.

FWIW (and its not a lot) I have a similar near me which I frequently use - except that it is a cross-roads with an even smaller road on the right. I still get overtaken when turning! Moving further out would put the overtaker nearer the right-hand road. In the end, any incident caused by overtaking there is their fault!

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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby TheInsanity1234 » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:48 pm

ancient wrote:FWIW (and its not a lot) I have a similar near me which I frequently use - except that it is a cross-roads with an even smaller road on the right. I still get overtaken when turning! Moving further out would put the overtaker nearer the right-hand road. In the end, any incident caused by overtaking there is their fault!

You say that, but my parents have a friend who was unfortunately involved in an accident where he was pulling out of a tight junction, and a car coming from the left had slowed and flashed him out, and when their friend went to pull out after checking it was safe, someone overtook the slowing car on the main road and drove straight into their friend.

Their friend was blamed for the accident, as he should've given way to traffic on the main road as regards the HC, according to the verdict.

The general consensus seems to be to just be assertive and position myself in such a way that overtaking wouldn't be on the cards for the driver behind me.

I have, in the past, flashed people out of the junction on the approach to it if they're turning left onto the main road, as it's quicker to get them out of the way before I'm too close to it, but I try to not do that due to possible liability issues.

Another question. If the waiting car was intending to turn right out of the junction, wouldn't taking an assertive position discourage them from turning due to an apparent lack of space to turn into?

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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby akirk » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:54 pm

TheInsanity1234 wrote:Another question. If the waiting car was intending to turn right out of the junction, wouldn't taking an assertive position discourage them from turning due to an apparent lack of space to turn into?

if so, then pause and let them out... if you need them out of the way

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Re: Being overtaken while turning.

Postby Mr Cholmondeley-Warner » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:59 pm

I think you need to be careful with the "Jedi mind control". If someone runs into the back of you, and both they and the witness turning out of the junction say "he rushed up to the junction and then slammed his anchors on", some of the blame is going to attach to you. I'd rather adopt the slow and cautious approach, and let the person emerging for the junction make their own decisions. Taking this to the extreme, you can come to a complete stop before the junction if you need to, to let the turner emerge.

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